Sunday 10 January 2016

Soundtrack Research

When we researched soundtracks for our opening film, we wanted a fast paced and up beat track to match the fast pace of our thriller / action opening film.

Epic Action Music

by Ross Bugden

The loud bass rumbles at the start of this soundtrack are used to create suspense and really suits the thriller genre well. The fast pace and loud drums nearer the end also hint towards an action chase or fighting scene. We may use this track, either to create suspense at the start of the opening or use the faster paced drums during out fighting / shooting scenes in our film.

Epic Trailer Music
by Ross Bugden

This Epic Trailer Music soundtrack fits a thriller genre well. The pace of this soundtrack is also fast enough for an action film, like ours, but it doesn’t suit a shooting scene. This may mean we can’t use this in our opening because much if it contains shooting sequences. We could use it nearer the end of the opening scene where there is less/no shooting but well have to play around with other tracks to see which best fits.

Prelude and Action
by Kevin MacLeod

This soundtrack sounds as if it will be very good for shooting and action scenes. The fast beat of the drums and bass instruments in the background suit this genre, and will make scenes in the opening feel more true to an action scene. If the music is done correctly, them the audience will feel as if they are in the scene and will be immersed in the film.

Finger Music - Ultra
by Mattia Turzo & Jacopo Cicatiello

Ultra starts off quiet, with a fast beat and piano key every so often. The start of this soundtrack could be used to build up suspense but after around 45 seconds, it changes to more of a fast paced action theme.

by King James

This piece by King James doesn’t seem it will fit out genre, thriller action, and style for our film opening. This soundtrack sound starts off as if something bad or tragic has just happened. Our opening film starts off with fast pace action that requires a fast beat/sound track over the background however Kreis doesn’t have that fast feel to it so we will probably not use it. We could maybe use it later on in the opening when one of the protagonists sadly dies.

Royal Pursuit
by King James

This fast paced orchestra music sound good for a suspense fast pace, chasing scene. This could suit our opening however we wanted a little more bass and impact from the soundtrack to make the audience feel as if it’s more of an action film.

by Kevin MacLeod

Mechanolith has an eerie / action feel to it. This eerie track could be used in our opening film when something bad happens or is about to happen, however most of the shots in our opening will be shooting scenes meaning it will not suit it very well.

Clash Defiant
by Kevin MacLeod

Clash Defiant doesn’t seem like it’s made for a fast pace action thriller like ours. It sounds more like it’s for a horror/thriller with a hit of action. Just like Mechanolith, it will not suit our shooting scenes so we’ll most likely not use this track.

Volatile Reaction
by Kevin MacLeod

Volatile Reaction sound very thrilling and a fast throughout. During the start, it creates suspense as it sound like something huge is about to take place – like a big fighting scene or explosions. Although this sound track suits our thriller and action genre, it portrays a big fighting scene that will happen further into a film, not in the opening film sequence. This is the reason why we’ll not be using this in our opening.

(All these tracks above are non-copyrighted and royalty free)

Soundtrack Credits:

- King James
          Blog Spot -
          Sound Cloud -

- Mattia Turzo

          Sound Cloud -

- Kevin MacLeod

          Sound Cloud -

- Ross Bugden

          YouTube -
          Sound Cloud -

- Non-Copyright and Royalty Free Sites
          Incompetech -
Unknown A - Level Media


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