Saturday 30 January 2016

Location - Research & Planning

For our opening film scene, we wanted a woodland / forest location because it is what you'd expect in an thriller / action film. Our whole opening scene is set in the woods so we wanted a large enough area of woodland to film in. The opening is also comprised of many different shots in and around the woods so we needed a big area to make the audience feel as if we were really in the middle of the woods.

The location we chose to film our opening scene in is Ashtead Common. This is because it suited our film and was convenient for everyone to get to. As winter was nearly approaching, much of the trees and plants has lost their leaves the location looked less green, and looked more brown and muddy. This would be okay for us as it still represent the thriller genre we are hoping to achieve. Also, when it comes to post-production editing, we can adjust the curves in our clips to make the scenery look darker, spookier and more like an action thriller.

Our Filming Location

Images of Our Location

Unknown A - Level Media


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