Wednesday 6 January 2016

Jurassic World

Here in this shot we see a long shot of a modern looking yacht heading towards an extremely large island. This shot of the island makes it seems isolated from the outer world since it is in the middle of the ocean. The endless sea, as it stretches beyond the horizon, also adds to the effect of the island seeming so isolated. The lighting used in this scene is very sunny which suggests that is it set around midday in the summer. When we see more of the large island, it is very dark and green, suggesting that the island is scary and most parts of it are a mystery - conforming to the thriller genre type. This shot was also an aerial shot as it was taken from the air and the cameras pans to the right as the yacht heads towards the island. We can hear the dietetic sound of the sea, and we can also the seagulls however there aren’t any in the shot. This could be ambient sound that has been added in by the editors on post-protection to make the audience feel as if they were actually at sea. Above all these sound, there is a non-diegetic orchestra soundtrack playing in the background. This is usually a hint that towards an action, adventure and thriller movie as many films in this genre usually start with an orchestra or their theme tune is orchestra such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones.

[0:15 and 0:16]
Eye line match is used for these two shots. They show us a medium shot of two boys and then a medium shot of a female. In the shot of the two boys we aren’t shown or nothing is said about who they are. But if you look closely at what the girl is holding, it is a small card with the two boy’s names on it – Zach and Gray Mitchell. This tells the audience that they are brother and also implies they are important characters in the film. At the start we are also told the name of the place, Isla Nublar, in form of a non-diegetic voice over. This voice sounded if is it came from a microphone else where in the shot.  Within these shots we can see hundreds of people on the dock, heading towards the island. The mass amount of people, the microphone voice over and banner poles suggest that this is set in a large theme park on an island. Through mise-en-scène, we can analyse the costume of the characters and all the people at the resort. As nearly everybody is wearing shorts, sunhats, sunglasses and t-shirts, we can tell that this is set on a not day, maybe in the summer. The lighting also suggests that it is set during the summer because it is a high key lighting, and everything is bright and the scene used warm colours.

[0:32 and 0:39]
In this shot we see the camera aimed towards the two boys then it tile up to show us a long shot of a futuristic train along the hill side. Then is the next shot we see the two boys in the train. From this shot we can see that the train is made from mostly glass. This suggests that Jurassic World is set in the future as it contains more modern vehicles.

[1:26 and 1:30]
In this first shot, we see an excited child run towards the doors. Then as he opens it, the camera dollies past his shoulder and we are shown a wide angle extreme long shot of the resort. The moment the kid opens the doors and the comers moves past him, the orchestra music suddenly becomes louder, making this shot look epic and spectacular. As we get an aerial shot of the resort, we see things such as a large lake, thousands of people walking around and a huge pyramid shaped building in then center. Nearer the end of the aerial shot, it heads towards a small building just outside of the populated area.

[1:50 and 2:05]
Here in this medium shot we see a woman talking to herself as she travels down an elevator/lift. Her plain white dress and even hair suggests she has a lot of authority there and is a key person in the film. After she finishes talking to herself, the lift door open and we are shown a close up shot of her face as she says “Welcome to Jurassic World”.
Unknown A - Level Media


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