Saturday 9 January 2016

Mood Board

By creating a mood board, we will be able to know what could potentially be in our opening film.

There in this image we can see silhouette of people in the army. Our film opening could contain characters who are from the army or something similar.

The image above is from Ashtead Common. This type of forest / woodland location could be one that we will film in as we intend on creating a film that is similar to an action film. As forest environment will be good as its what you'd expect in that genre.

Our antagonists in our films might wear balaclavas as they connote danger and evil. This could be a good way of letting the audience know who the protagonists and antagonists are.

This image of a pistol could be one of numerous weapons that could be used in our film. A pistol, gun or any dangerous weapon will connote an action, thriller and/or a horror film.
Unknown A - Level Media


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