Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Editing Software of Choice

When it comes to editing, there are two types of editing programs - video compositing and video editing.

Video Compositing
Video compositing is combining different visual elements into a clip to make an object appear as if its in the scene.

Video compositing software's are very powerful when dealing with motion graphics and compositing. Some of these softwares costs 1000's of pounds such as The Foundry's Nuke. We, for obvious reasons, cannot use Nuke but it is considered one of the most powerful composting tools right now. Nuke is outstanding for it 3D compositing capability and is used for by big movies sets, such as World War Z, Avatar, Gravity, Tron: Legacy, Iron Man II, Transformers, District 9 and a lot more. Other good compositing programs include Adobe After Effects and Autodesk Combustion. For our scenes that require any visual elements, such as muzzle flash, we will be using Adobe After Effects as it is a professional program that can easily be used by anyone.

Video Editing
Video editing is just putting clips and sound together to create a video.

There are many video editing programs that we could use, some better than others. Examples of some of the best video editing software are Adobe Premiere Pro, Media Composer, Sony Vegas Pro and Final Cut Pro. However for us, we had a choice between either Sony Vegas Pro 13 or Adobe Premiere Elements 10. These two programs some the most popular editing programs but in the end, we decided to use Sony Vegas Pro as we had more experience with the program meaning we could achieve a better opening film than if we had done it it Premiere Elements.

Final Editing Software of Choice
Our editing software of choice is Adobe After Effects and Sony Vegas Pro. For any shots that require different visual elements, such as muzzle flash, explosions and blood, we will use After Effects CS6 and for the general editing for the opening film, we will be using Sony Vegas Pro 13.
Unknown A - Level Media


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