Saturday 14 November 2015

What are you doing here? - Analysis

This video was the first time we created anything in Adobe Premiere Elements 10. We has to create a short video, showcasing us saying 'What are you doing here?'. The first time editing in Premiere Elements 10 was a struggle as we didn't know much about the software but over a short period of time we managed to learn the basics and produce this video.

What was good?
We were able to create a decent video considering it was our first time using the that editing software program. We were able to edit our clips together and were able to fade text in and out, add transition effects, change the time duration (speeding up or slowing down a clip) and panning and cropping clips.

What was bad?
As this was our first time editing in Premiere Elements 10, we weren't able to do as much as we were hoping to do.

What could we improve next time?
When creating something like this next time, we could learn better and newer techniques that make the videos look more professional. Instead of using Adobe Premiere Elements 10, we could use a different video editing software that has more and better features than Premiere Elements.
Unknown A - Level Media


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