Thursday 26 November 2015

Using Film Techniques - Analysis

Within the 40 second preliminary task that we created, we used four different editing techniques - shot reverse shot, eye line match, match on action and the 180 degree rule.

Editing Techniques Times
          Shot Reverse Shot - 28 seconds
          Eye Line Match - 23 seconds
          Match on Action - 17 and 25 seconds
          180 Degree Rule - Everything beyond 20 seconds

When creating and editing this, we learnt these techniques and improved upon them, in order to be able to apply them to our actual two minute opening for our film. We learnt the different ways to position and move the camera for the most effective shot.

We learnt how to edit in Adobe Premiere Elements and Sony Vegas Pro because we are still unsure on which program to use, but this has given us a greater understanding on how to edit our final film opening. Even though we used both Adobe Premiere Elements and Sony Vegas Pro to edit preliminary task in, we ended up editing and rendering in Sony Vegas Pro because I personally knew how to use it and I felt confident in my ability to work with the program.
Unknown A - Level Media


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