Sunday 1 November 2015

X - Men : Days of Future Past

The first shot in X - Men : Days of Future Past we see a few red lights turn on in an dark room. The red connotes danger, violence and action and the dark room connotes mystery, death and danger. When the lights turn on weird sci-fi sound effect is played. This diegetic sound effect hints to the audience that the movie will contain unnatural things and will contain science fiction. We then see a hatch open and three pods are dropped. This indicates to the audience that this shot is taking place in a flying vehicle and something bad is going to happen. The next shot is an extreme long shot of two flying vehicle dropping the three pods. The lighting in this scene is very dark and blue and as the pods hit the ground they make a loud thud sound effect. This sound effect was possibly made in a Foley studio.
The next few shots have been seamlessly edited so that the camera moves around past the characters and through the ground to the floors below. This gives the illusion that the scene takes place underground where there are multiple floors but in reality it was filmed in one location. After the three pods hit the ground, we get a close up shot of a man saying “they’re here!”. This suggests that the pods are the antagonist and the other are the protagonists. In these shots we a girl make a purple portal and they both teleport to the floor below. This indicates that the movie will contain many characters lots of weird powers. The non-diegetic music playing at this point has a fast beat to it suggesting that something is about to take place and it also builds suspense as the audience doesn’t know what is going to happen next.
In this shot we see a man holding an alien weapon/gun and a close up shot of the weapon/gun. Guns connote action and death implying that we are going to see lots of those throughout the film. A bit later we see a high angle shot four people - each looking terrified. As soon as the high angle shot began, the music suddenly went quiet and we were only left with the diegetic sound of something rumbling. The high angle shot of the group makes them look small, weak and venerable.
We see the camera truck right as it stays pointed at the group and we see one male character turn him self into a metallic figure and another put himself on fire. This suggest that something big is about to take place and they are preparing for it.
Two big figures then fall from the ceiling suggesting that these were in the pod at the start of the film. A low angled shot is used to show the antagonist and makes them look huge are more fearsome. As this huge fight scene is taking place, two characters are running away from huge creatures. This indicates that these two characters are important, and we can tell that are not fleeing because of they are cowards as everyone is helping them to escape.
Soon after another low angle shot of the creature grasping onto one of the protagonist fist is shown. This makes the protagonist look insignificant compared to the creature. This shot also denotes the creature turning into the same material at the metallic person. This could imply that the creatures have the ability to gain special powers off of their victims. As the creature turns into a silver metallic material, a sound effect is played which sounds like lots of pieces of metals colliding together. 
With the next two scenes we can see that the creatures have gained their victims powers but swapped the powers between them. After doing this the protagonists are grabbed buy the alien creatures and are killed. All the lighting in the opening scene is dark and gloomy showing that the movie will contain danger, death and mystery.  Many of the sound effects in these scenes are unusual and futuristic. This could hint that that movie will be a sci-fi film as well as an action film.
Unknown A - Level Media


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